À semelhança da linguagem verbal e do jogo, o desenho é uma das manifestações semióticas da criança, enquanto meio de ...

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Foi com agrado que lemos o artigo de Barreiro et al, uma norma em geral bem elaborada, atual e dirigida para o meio hospitalar.
Da nossa experiên...

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Priapism may be a side effect of low-molecular-weight heparins, and its mechanism remains unknown. The authors present a clinical case of a 51-year-old male patient wi...

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Starting in China, in 2020, COVID-19 spread all over the world, affecting the mental health of billions of people. Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurodevelopmental disor...

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We have gladly read Dr Marques’ article in response to our letter. Indeed, we must congratulate Dr Marques for the heart he pours into his topics of interest. Ho...

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Introduction: Physicians working in palliative care have a greater risk of burnout. Burnout has three dimensions: emotional exhaustion, depersonalizat...

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We read with interest the paper by Lopes et al reporting data about ‘best medical treatment’ (BMT) in patients admitted to a vascular surgery depa...

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Existe um grande número de dados pessoais, de saúde e até de outros domínios colhidos em Portugal através de diversos serviço...

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Pithomyces, a dematiaceous fungus, is a common colonizer of dead leaves and stems of many different plants and is associated with facial eczema in some animal...

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