Sibutramine is a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor, initially developed as a potential antidepressant and later approved for the management of obesi...

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A telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditária (THH), é uma doença da angiogénese, caracterizada pelo aparecimento de estruturas vasculare...

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Introduction: Sudden and unexpected postnatal collapse is a rare event with potentially dramatic consequences. Intervention approaches are limite...

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Com a chegada da COVID-19 à Europa e depois aos Estados Unidos, começou a avolumar-se a evidência que apontava a obesidade como uma das principais ...

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Introduction: The Modified British Medical Research Council Questionnaire is considered an adequate and simple measure of breathlessness in chronic ob...

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The patient in shock represents a common clinical challenge in the emergency room, and potentially represents an immediate lifethreatening situation that requires the ...

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Acral melanomas are rare, representing 2% - 3% of all melanomas. However, the fatality rate is higher because of delayed diagnosis. They are more common on weight...

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Inherited retinal dystrophies/ degenerations (IRDs) are a clinically and genetically heterogenous group of rare eye diseases. Despite their low prevalence (~1:3000 ind...

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