A mutilação genital feminina (MGF) é definida pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) como “a prática que envolv...

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For many years and increasingly in the last year, JAMA and the JAMA Network journals have published many important articles addressing disparities and racism in medica...

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Introduction: Primary open-angle glaucoma is the most frequent subtype of glaucoma. Relatives of primary open-angle glaucoma patients have an increase...

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Introduction: Human parechovirus type 3 has been recognized as a cause of pediatric infection, occasionally associated with serious illness, including...

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Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019, or COVID-19, in children is usually a mild disease, but severe illness has been reported. Currently, the thera...

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Introduction: Infective endocarditis presents a high rate of morbidity and mortality. Population-based studies addressing mortality caused by infectiv...

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A pandemia de COVID-19 tem tido efeitos na sociedade a vários níveis, sendo as crianças e os adolescentes um grupo particularmente vulneráv...

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Introduction: In order to improve the health of travellers during travel it is important to better understand the health problems faced by travellers ...

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We would like to highlight a concerning reality: the inadequacy of palliative care (PC) in patients with chronic liver disease (CLD). It is our opinion that these pati...

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