In the past decade the scientific community has faced a serious threat to its integrity and credibility with the rise of predatory journals. These journals manipulate ...

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The Allergic Rhinitis and Its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) initiative started more than 20 years ago and has developed and disseminated evidence-based guidelines and projec...

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A 30 de maio de 1919, George Soper enfatizou o caráter distintivo de uma epidemia por infecção respiratória: esta não cede apenas co...

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Key Points
Question  Among children in Portugal, was there an association between receipt of a 4-component meningococcus group B vaccine (4CMenB) and group...

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Os filhos de pais com perturbação mental têm maior predisposição para problemas emocionais, comportamentais e cognitivos, com impacto...

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Introduction: Neurodevelopmental disorders are, in modern societies, the most common chronic pediatric conditions. Many remain in adulthood. Organizin...

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Introduction: Pediatric-onset multiple sclerosis may contrast with adult-onset multiple sclerosis, in terms of disease activity. We aimed to determine...

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Introduction: In 2015, the EU(7)-PIM List was published, which identifies potentially inappropriate medicines in older patients and resulted from a co...

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We found the question raised by Sá-Marta and Almeida about the spelling for eponyms interesting.1 We are afraid that disease names will hardly be correctly spel...

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