Perspetiva-se que a pandemia COVID-19 persista por vários anos, com o incremento inevitável de novos casos, pelo menos até que se desenvolva imuni...

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A pandemia COVID-19 poderá ter um impacto significativo na saúde mental da população em geral e, em particular, nas pessoas com doenç...

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Introduction: The need for palliative care is increasing. Future doctors must be prepared for this, so it is essential to develop skills during their ...

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Necrotizing fasciitis is a severe soft tissue infection with a high mortality rate and therefore requires emergent surgical treatment. Several microorganisms can cause...

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O ano de 2020 trouxe com ele a pandemia COVID-19 e um pesado desafio a curto, médio e longo prazo. Todas as áreas médicas têm acumulado desg...

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Parece-me importante que no artigo “Estimativa do Excesso de Mortalidade Durante a Pandemia COVID-19: Dados Preliminares Portugueses” fossem apresentados o...

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AMP-Student has been setting up a set of online free training programs to support Medical Students who will go through the National Exam to Access Specialized Training...

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A 63-year-old woman with a portosystemic shunt in the context of hepatic cirrhosis but without history of encephalopathic episodes, had been complaining of arm tremor ...

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Introduction: The consumption of potentially inappropriate medicines is high among institutionalized elderly, predisposing to potential drug interacti...

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