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A sépsis caracteriza-se por uma resposta desregulada do hospedeiro à infeção, com disfunção orgânic...

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O impacto da atual pandemia pela COVID19 (coronavirus disease 2019) não tem barreiras e influência de forma significativa as nossas relações...

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Introduction: The implementation of models capable of improving referral quality, limiting the growth of waiting lists in hospitals, and ensuring...

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Introduction: In Portugal, patients still believe they should perform a periodic check-up. The present study was designed to study the presc...

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Introduction: Postpartum haemorrhage is still the main cause of maternal morbidity and mortality. Many treatments are available, but they may thr...

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No início da epidemia pelo novo coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) foi reaberta a discussão sobre a possibilidade do ordenamento jurídi...

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Introduction: In the last few decades, the rates of international medical migration have continuously risen. In Psychiatry, there is great dispar...

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In late December 2019, global attention shifted to China after several local health facilities reported clusters of patients with pneumonia of unknown origin epid...

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A 15-year-old girl was admitted to the emergency room because of a bilateral tonic-clonic seizure. The family reported that the episode began with rapid hand move...

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