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When women physicians and scientists face barriers to publication and journal leadership, the pace of discovery slows and critical perspectives are lost.

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Apesar dos esforços e das medidas de prevenção e controlo que vêm sendo adotadas desde a década de 80 do século passado, o tab...

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Juxtaglomerular tumours are rare causes of secondary hypertension. They typically present with difficult-to-manage hypertension, hypokalemia, hyperreninemia and s...

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The article "Dependência de Vídeojogos: Um Problema Pediátrico Emergente?", by Mariana Nogueira, Hugo Faria, Ana Vitorino, Filipe Gl&oacu...

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Manic and hypomanic states associated with antidepressant treatments are relatively common; however, when specifically considering mirtazapine, those side effects...

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Introduction: The aim of this study is to characterize and assess work-family balance within the medical profession in Portugal.

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Concerning the article “Recommendations About Multiple Sclerosis Management During Pregnancy, Partum and Post-Partum: Consensus Position of The Portuguese Multip...

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Introduction: Children with DiGeorge syndrome/chromosome 22q11.2 deletion syndrome might have a variable degree of immunodeficiency, which may li...

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