Article by Helena Donato on Médico News. "Publicação médica: como elaborar um artigo científico de qualidade."


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Jerome P. Kassirer, a former editor with NEJM (New england Journal of medicine) published his memoirs recently publicou in a book named "Unanticipated Outcomes: A...

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By Roger Collier, B.Eng

Words matter in science that matters. Far too often, however, the words in medical literature are chosen and arranged without enough ...

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For more than two decades of activity, the European Medicines Agency has been operating as part of a network with the national medicines agencies in Europe, bring...

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A team reviewed a database with over 5500 scientific papers published between 1976 until mid 2015 by cancer researchers in Portugal. The "jump", they said, s...

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From September 2017, Acta Médica Portuguesa, the scientific journal published by the Portuguese Medical Association, has a new Editor in Chief, Dr.Tiago Villanu...

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AMP Impact Factor increased in 2016 to 0.498! 

The figures recently reported by Thomson Reuters/ Journal Citation Reports® correspond to the number ...

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Keywords: Osteogenesis Imperfecta; Portugal; Zoledronic Acid

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Introduction: The scale Satisfaction with Amplification in Daily Life uses a simple and easily administered questionn...

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