A 44-year-old man is investigated for an intermittent left inguinal swelling and sent for ultrasound investigation which suggested an inguinal hernia. Because of discr...

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The incidence of single fetal death in twin pregnancy varies from 0.5% - 6.8%, leaving the surviving fetus with increased morbi-mortality.
The prognosis is wors...

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In December, Acta Médica Portuguesa will publish an issue exclusively dedicated to Medical Education.

We believe that investigation in this topic shou...

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Governments and regulators influence the performance of health care organizations and practitioners primarily through positive and negative financial incentives, regul...

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The "Professor Jorge da Silva Horta" award aims at rewarding the 1st author of an original medical research article, either published or accepted for publica...

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A National Research Council report on “precision medicine” explains that the term “refers to the tailoring of medical treatment to the individual cha...

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Researchers from the United Kingdom and Brazil are being invited to pitch projects that look at the social effects of the Zika virus in Brazil, in a partnership launch...

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Diabetes is a serious disease that can lead to a number of complications.The good news is that diabetes can be managed — and many of its complication can be prev...

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Introduction: Helicobacter pylori infection is very prevalent worldwide and is associated with the progression of the gastric carcinogenesis cascade, ...

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