According to the results disclosed yesterday 29-07, 2013, by Thomson Reuters, Acta Médica Portuguesa had their Impact Factor raised to 0,281 in year 2013.


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Amadeo de Souza-Cardoso, one of the pivotal figures of the Portuguese Modernist movement, studied painting and began his work in Paris where he arrived at the age of 1...

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Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus remains one of the principal resistant pathogens causing serious healthcareassociated infections. 


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Introduction: It has been suggested that a complete staging may be safely omitted in endometrial carcinoma patients at low risk for lymph node metasta...

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Venomous snakebites are relatively rare in Portugal. Pediatric victims present with greater severity and are at risk of fatal complications. Clinical management protoc...

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Diabetes mellitus is an endocrine disease in which are involved the hormones produced by the islets of Langerhans. The diabetes mellitus can affect various functions o...

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"O cancro do pulmão, considerado uma tísica cancerosa por Bayle, no início do século XIX (1810), e descrito por René Laënn...

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"... Para um correcto e racional uso dos medicamentos por parte dos pacientes é necessária uma compreensão detalhada da informaç&atild...

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"Atitude face aos Cuidados Paliativos:

Inglaterra, berço dos Cuidados Paliativos Modernos, muito tem investido, aprendido com os seus erros e evo...

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