IV AMP Symposium in Coimbra for the first time

The IV Acta Médica Portuguesa’s Symposium is held on the 7th of November 2015 at the Room Miguel Torga in the Regional Central Division (Secção Regional do Centro) of the Portuguese General Medical Council (Ordem dos Médicos). The President of the Portuguese General Medical Council, Professor José Manuel Silva and the President of the Regional Central Division, Dr. Carlos Cortes will participate in the opening session.

This meeting, involving journal editors and physicians, aims at promoting debate between the different agents involved in biomedical communication and publication. The 2015 scientific meeting will specifically discuss both peer and external science communication in the setting of diverse audiences.

The IV AMP Symposium includes two brainstorming sessions, one regarding biomedical publication through the media and one involving the analysis of a possible inclusion of a scientific writing discipline in the Medical Faculty.

It also brings together some Editors-in-Chief of Portuguese medical journals with an Impact Factor, as well as Peter Ashman, Publishing Director of the British Medical Journal, in charge of the publication of 60 international medical journals.

Join us. Your opinion is crucial!

Access and print the full program here.

Registrations here.
Further information at: secretariado@actamedicaportuguesa.com

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