Science communication was the focus of the IV AMP Symposium

The IV AMP Symposium gathered editors and technical consultants, authors, reviewers and medical students and discussed the major challenges to biomedical communication in Portugal.
This meeting was a privileged forum between researchers – present and future – and editors for sharing experiences and knowledge regarding the different resources available for science communication: not only peer-to-peer but also communication oriented to the general public.
The different presentations allowed for identification of cross-cutting issues to teachers and students, physicians and professional communicators. The discussion highlighted the need for more specific training in the area of scientific writing (regarding medical school and postgraduate current curricula as well as in other more practical and generalist layouts). The lack of uniformity in research procedures between institutions - Faculties and University Hospitals - requires a solution. In addition there is a general need to improve the Board of Administration’ s awareness in order to set conditions that encourage scientific thinking within each department.
Annually held by Acta Médica Portuguesa - the scientific journal of the Portuguese Medical Association (Ordem dos Médicos), the Symposium AMP has emerged - uniquely in Portugal – as promoter of dialogue between the different stakeholders in scientific edition.
We expect to hold the V AMP Symposium in 2016 at the Northern Regional Offices of the Portuguese Medical Association, again in November – with new contents and the presence of other national and international specialists. Keep an eye on our

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