Porto´s Autoimune Meeting

In the coming days 20th, 21st and 22nd of October, the UIC (Clinical Immunology Unit from Hospital Santo António in Centro Hospitalar do Porto) performs the bi-annual meeting PAM - Porto's Autoimmune Meeting, this time in the Engº António de Almeida Foundation in OPorto.

This year PAM´s theme is autoIMMUNOdeficiencies translating the continuum between autoimmune diseases and immunodeficiencies. In fact, among the various factors in the etiopathogenesis of pathological autoimmunity underlying deficits of regulatory mechanisms at different levels of innate and acquired immune response.

The various possibilities for therapeutic intervention in a disregulated immune-inflammatory and pro-system will be discussed. They will also discuss the  addressed issues associated with microbial agents and risk of infection.

Full information and registrations: http://www.portoautoimmunity.pt/

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