SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: Should Children Wear Masks?

During the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the World Health Organization has advised the use of masks, not only in healthcare facilities, but also in particular settings in the community where maintaining physical distance may not be possible. However, the generalised use of face masks presents some challenges, especially in paediatrics.
Young children have small airways and may lack the motor skills necessary to remove a mask without assistance, increasing the risk of suffocation. Therefore, its use is not recommended in children under two years old. In this age group, other preventive measures such as social distancing, frequent hand washing and surface disinfection should be prioritized. For older children, the use of masks, when advised, should be preceded by a careful explanation on how to properly wear and take them off. Touching the mask should be discouraged as it increases the risk of infection.

Letter to the Editor available here.

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