Letter to the Editor Regarding Barranha´s Paper: “Is There a Role for Psychiatry in Physician-Assisted Death in Portugal?”

I read the Letter to the Editor by Barranha with great interest, and I think it raises several clinical and research issues about assisted suicide and desire for death (DfD), that are never too minor to discuss in scientific publications.
Although I assume the multiple difficulties in discussing such a field, it is of the utmost importance to present some aspects for further reflection, namely on DfD and will to live (WtL).
Firstly, the general idea around the DfD is that the current debates are superficial and rarely evidence-based. It seems that many questions remain unanswered in the general public´s opinion (and also among healthcare professionals) around DfD and WtL in terminally ill patients. Therefore, about DfD and WtL, some evidence-based points should be reminded to clarify the debate further.

Letter to the editor available here.

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