5th Symposium AMP: Ethics and Education

The 5th Symposium Acta Médica Portuguesa will take place on November 4th at the premises of the Northern Branch of the Portuguese Medical Association. 

This meeting aims at promoting the debate between editors and doctors on themes related to communication and publishing of bio-medical contents. In 2016, Symposium AMP will mainly focus on Ethics and Teaching within the scientific communication.

Themes of the lectures range from the scientific credibility of medical student journals to fraud (both voluntary and accidental) in science newspapers. Some of the tricks and schemes that editors are faced with in the context of the medical editing will be also scrutinized in the session dedicated to the dark side of publications.

The event will also feature a round table debate on Research and Publication as possible disciplines to be included in future medical education programs. Some renowned professors from the main Medical Schools in the country are expected to join, such as Maria Amélia Ferreira, Margarida Correia-Neves and António Sousa Pereira.

This year, Symposium AMP will deliver a more interactive format, by means of four Small Working Groups happening during the afternoon session. These groups are intended as highly dynamic activities enhancing communication between the coach and the participants, aiming at provide and/or develop practical competencies. Each group will be composed of a limit of 10 participants and will last for a maximum period of two hours. 

Come join us. Your opinion counts!

Program and Registrations: http://actamedicaportuguesa.com/simposio5/
For further information please contact: secretariado@actamedicaportuguesa.com

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