The Increasing Prevalence of Food Allergies in the Pediatric Populations: A Rising Concern

Dear Editor,
We read the article “Anisakis Allergy: Raising Awareness” with great interest and would like to discuss the growing concern about food allergies in the pediatric population. The rise in pediatric food allergies places a burden on healthcare systems, with more frequent cases of anaphylaxis and increasing demand for specialist care.
Recent studies indicate an increasing prevalence of food allergy. While the global prevalence rate is estimated to be 4% of children, this number rises to 8% in Western countries. In our tertiary center, the number of first consultations in pediatric allergy clinics increased 70% in the last twenty years. We also confirm a similar trend, with a remarkable 800% increase in first consultations, where patients were specifically referred for food allergies, over the past two decades. 

Full paper available here.

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