Neuropatia Compressiva: Uma Consequência do Mau Posicionamento durante o Trabalho de Parto?

Neuropathies are rare labour related complications. Foetal macrosomia, instrumented delivery, prolonged gynaecological position or mal-positioning during labour are well-established risk factors.
We present the case of a 30-year-old G2P1 woman who was admitted in spontaneous labour at 39 weeks of gestation. The first stage of labour had a normal duration. In the second stage of labour, a total of 1 hour and 20 minutes was spent in the lithotomy position with leg stirrups. She gave birth to a 3710 g male infant, Apgar Score of 9/10, after a vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery due to maternal exhaustion.
At day six after delivery, the patient presented steppage gait (foot drop due to loss of foot dorsiflexion) and paraesthesia in the right lower limb.

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