Rethinking Sciatica In View of a Bilateral Anatomical Variation of the Sciatic Nerve, with Low Origin and High Division: Historical, Anatomical and Clinical Approach


  • Fernando Silva Ribeiro Departamento de Fisioterapia. LABEPAH - Laboratório de Estudo e Pesquisa em Anatomia Humana. Universidade de Pernambuco. Pernambuco.
  • Maria Alexandre Bettencourt-Pires Departamento de Anatomia. Nova Medical School. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa. Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.
  • Edivaldo Xavier da Silva Junior Departamento de Fisioterapia. LABEPAH - Laboratório de Estudo e Pesquisa em Anatomia Humana. Universidade de Pernambuco. Pernambuco.
  • Diogo Casal Departamento de Anatomia. Nova Medical School. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa. Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.
  • Daniel Casanova-Martinez Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Valparaiso. San Felipe.
  • Diogo Pais Departamento de Anatomia. Nova Medical School. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa. Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.
  • João Erse Goyri-O'Neill Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.



Cadaver, Sciatic Nerve/anatomy


Introduction: The aim of the present study is to report an original, unusual, case of bilateral anatomical variation of the sciatic nerve, with low origin and high division.
Material and Methods: Anatomical dissection was performed on a 66 year-old female cadaver. The corpse was embalmed and conserved through our original embalming techniques.
Results: The particular anatomical variation was first detected during routine dissection classes for undergraduate students. The study was completed with contralateral dissection to unveil bilateral variation. In both hind limbs, the sciatic nerve had a low origin, deep below the mid-gluteal region, and suffered high division, near the lower margin of the gluteal region, after a short length of circa 8 cm, to divide into the common fibular and tibial nerves.
Discussion: We detect several cases of sciatic nerve high division, in the reports of the earliest anatomists, such as Leonardo da Vinci, Vesalius, Da Cortona, or Eustachius. Such ancestral interest for these anatomical variations demonstrates the importance of their knowledge for health professionals of different areas.
Conclusion: The accurate study of sciatic nerve anatomical variations bears evident surgical, anaesthesiology and clinical applications. As more meticulous as our anatomical studies may get, one will never reach the state of perfection to consider such studies as definitive.


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Author Biographies

Maria Alexandre Bettencourt-Pires, Departamento de Anatomia. Nova Medical School. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa. Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.

MD, PhD, Professora Auxiliar, Anatomia, UNL

Edivaldo Xavier da Silva Junior, Departamento de Fisioterapia. LABEPAH - Laboratório de Estudo e Pesquisa em Anatomia Humana. Universidade de Pernambuco. Pernambuco.

MSc, Professor Assistente, Anatomia, UPE

Diogo Casal, Departamento de Anatomia. Nova Medical School. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa. Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.

MD, PhD, Professor Auxiliar, Anatomia, UNL

Daniel Casanova-Martinez, Escuela de Medicina. Universidad de Valparaiso. San Felipe.

MSC, Professor Assistente, Anatomia, Universidad de Valparaiso

Diogo Pais, Departamento de Anatomia. Nova Medical School. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisboa. Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.

MD, PhD, Professor Associado com Agregação, Anatomia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa

João Erse Goyri-O'Neill, Associação Anatómica Portuguesa. Lisboa.

MD, PhD, Professor Catedrático, Anatomia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa



How to Cite

Ribeiro FS, Bettencourt-Pires MA, Silva Junior EX da, Casal D, Casanova-Martinez D, Pais D, Goyri-O’Neill JE. Rethinking Sciatica In View of a Bilateral Anatomical Variation of the Sciatic Nerve, with Low Origin and High Division: Historical, Anatomical and Clinical Approach. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2018 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];31(10):568-75. Available from:


