Study EXPO 2010: Overweight and Obesity in Childwood.


  • Diana L Martins Departamento de Medicina Geral e Familiar, Unidade de Saúde Familiar, Nova Via, ACES Espinho/Gaia, Gaia, Portugal.
  • Ana Isabel Branco
  • J Luís Fernandes
  • Mónica Chaves



During the last decades, overweight and obesity in childwood have been suffering a significant rise. National data point towards a total prevalence up to 30% between 7 and 9 years of age. The tendency is worsening, especially in the lower socioeconomic status. The mentioned weight changes expose children to a higher risk of severe co-morbidities, justifying this way the need for early detection and orientation of the problem, particularly in the ages focused in Global Health Exams.Ensure technical and scientific quality of the following records: overweight and obesity records in problems list, minimum diagnosis tests request and therapeutic counseling.Dimension: technical and scientific quality of the records. Unit of study: children watched in health unit of authors, born from 01/01 to 31/12 2002 (inc) and 01/01 to 31/12 1995 (inc), with at least one medical surveillance carried out, respectively, to 5 or 6 years and at 11, 12 or 13 years, with BMI = 85th percentile; Evaluated Professionals: all family doctors; Time period evaluated: 2006-2009, inc. Data Type: clinical data. Data Sources: SINUS ® and SAM ® version 9.2. Evaluation: internal. Criteria for groups with overweight and Obesity, respectively: I and II) Registration in problems list, III and IV) Registration of minimum diagnosis tests request, V and VI) Registration of therapeutic counseling. Data collection: May 2010. Evaluation: Retrospective. Sample: institutional basis, not random. Type of Intervention: Educational and structural.There were included 118 children with weight changes (prevalence of 15.2% for overweight and 10,1% for obesity). In 5-6 years-old children, all the criteria were "Unsatisfactory" (the best result was the record of therapeutic plan on overweight but still only 26,2%). Regarding to teenagers, the results were "Good" for Criterion III, "Satisfactory" for the IV and VI and "Unsatisfactory" for all the others.Devaluation of overweight and obesity as a health risk to child, diagnostic errors, Child and Youth Health Program limitations, lack of national clinical guidelines, eviction of traumatic procedures, registration failure and follow-up in Pediatrician or Nutritionist are factors that may justify the results. The re-evaluation will be realized after the application of the planned corrective measures.


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How to Cite

Martins DL, Branco AI, Fernandes JL, Chaves M. Study EXPO 2010: Overweight and Obesity in Childwood. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2012 Jun. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];24(6):871-6. Available from:



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