Biosimilars in oncology.


  • Sérgio Barroso Hospital do Espírito Santo, Evora.
  • Jorge Coutinho
  • Margarida Damasceno
  • José Dinis
  • João Forjaz de Lacerda
  • Helena Gervásio
  • Fernando Leal da Costa
  • Ana Marques Pereira
  • António Parreira
  • Fernando Principe
  • Helena Rodrigues
  • Anabela Sá
  • Adriana Teixeira



The development of biotechnology drugs represents one of the great advances in medical therapy and it was observed an exponential growth in its use. The resource to these drugs in Oncology and Hematology is no exception and it soon became an essential element of an integrated and directed therapy strategy. The expiry of the first biotechnology drugs patents has opened the door for the development and marketing of biosimilars, which entry in the Portuguese market was recently approved. This article was built on the analysis of the available state-of-the-art information on biotechnology drugs, biosimilars and current legislation and it expresses the opinion of Oncology and Hematology experts about the substituition of biological drugs by biosimilars in clinical practice.


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How to Cite

Barroso S, Coutinho J, Damasceno M, Dinis J, Forjaz de Lacerda J, Gervásio H, Leal da Costa F, Marques Pereira A, Parreira A, Principe F, Rodrigues H, Sá A, Teixeira A. Biosimilars in oncology. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2009 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];22(3):203-6. Available from:



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