Tobacco and male infertility: a retrospective study in infertile couples.


  • Catarina Coelho Serviço de Endocrinologia. Hospital Garcia de Orta. Almada.
  • Catarina Júlio
  • Gervásio Silva
  • António Neves



Different studies have shown an association between smoking habits and the presence of abnormal spermograms. However these reports have not been consistent throw out the literature.To analyze the effects of cigarette consumption in semen parameters from men attending our infertility outpatient clinic.Retrospective comparative study of 327 men (417 spermograms) from an initial population of 372 men attending the infertility outpatient clinic of our institution during the year of 2007. The semen parameters were first compared between smokers and nonsmokers and then a heavy smokers/light smokers analysis took place.From the 327 men included in the study, 135 (41%) were smokers and 55 (40.7%) were heavy smokers. The demographic characteristics were similar between groups. The tobacco use was associated with an increased incidence of oligo/zoosperm, without difference in the other semen parameters. It was also noted a negative correlation between heavy smoking habits and semen volume abnormalities.The results of the present study suggest that smoking negatively affects male fertility.


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How to Cite

Coelho C, Júlio C, Silva G, Neves A. Tobacco and male infertility: a retrospective study in infertile couples. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2009 Dec. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 28];22(6):753-8. Available from:



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