Prevalence of markers of hepatitis B infection in the adult population of the district of Coimbra.


  • A Santos Serviço de Medicina III, Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra.
  • A Carvalho
  • J Tomaz
  • V Rodrigues
  • L Coxinho
  • D Bento
  • R Sá
  • A Porto



To assess the prevalence of hepatitis B markers in the adult population of the Coimbra district, in the central region of Portugal.The study included 657 subjects chosen aleatorily from 4 characteristic councils of the Coimbra district. They were questioned regarding risk factors and blood samples were taken for HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc testing. Anti-HCV was previously determined and it was positive in 0.45% of the cases.HBsAg was found in 0.91%. Anti-HBs and anti-HBc were both positive in 6.08%, anti-HBc without anti-HBs was found in 1.82% and anti-HBs without anti-HBc was found in 1.67% (11 cases, 8 vaccinated). The general prevalence of hepatitis B markers was 9.3%. Higher prevalences were found in the subjects over 50 years of age, 13.5% (p < 0.05), and in the urban area, 13.2% (p < 0.05).1. The HBsAg prevalence in our region is 0.9%; 2. The general prevalence of hepatitis B markers is 9.3%; 3. HBsAg prevalence is higher than anti-HCV prevalence calculated in the same sample; 4. The prevalence of hepatitis B markers in our region is lower than in other Southern European countries.


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How to Cite

Santos A, Carvalho A, Tomaz J, Rodrigues V, Coxinho L, Bento D, Sá R, Porto A. Prevalence of markers of hepatitis B infection in the adult population of the district of Coimbra. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2000 Aug. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];13(4):167-71. Available from:



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