Prostatic benign hyperplasia.


  • J L Fuente De Carvalho Serviço de Urologia, Hospital Santo António, Porto.
  • A Sismeiro
  • L Campos Pinheiro
  • M T Catalão Castro
  • M J Carmona Luís
  • M J Abreu
  • M Mendes Silva



After reviewing the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic attitude related to Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, the authors present the guidelines for Generalists, in terms of practical handling and when and how to refer their patients to the Urology consultation. Based on the criteria presented, Generalists must refer their patients to the Urology consultation in the presence of mild or severe symptoms, ages below 50 years, diabetes or neurological disturbances, disturbed voiding, palpable bladder, palpable nodule or a diffusely hardened or asymmetric gland revealed by digital rectal examination, hematuria, urinary tract infection, renal impairment or PSA above 4 nglml in patients aged below 70 years.


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How to Cite

Fuente De Carvalho JL, Sismeiro A, Campos Pinheiro L, Catalão Castro MT, Carmona Luís MJ, Abreu MJ, Mendes Silva M. Prostatic benign hyperplasia. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2001 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];14(2):171-87. Available from:



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