

  • J Relvas Serviço de Psiquiatria, Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra.
  • L C Pestana
  • A J Albuquerque
  • F M Paiva
  • I R Carraça
  • M J Loureiro
  • Z A Correia



The Portuguese Medical Association, through its Colleges of Specialistes, has decided to establish working groups to establish Therapeutic Guidelines in pathologies of great interest and current relevance in order to improve and rationalize health care. The group in charge of establishing the Therapeutic Recommendations in Depression, whose work I had the responsability and pleasure of coordinating during part of 1998 and 1999, is comprised of colleagues selected by the Portuguese Medical Association (Ordem dos Médicos). In the last few years, there has been rapidly increasing clinical and scientific interest in the study and treatment of depression throughout the life cycle, in different contexts and levels of medical practice. The rapid progress made in the neurosciences and psychopharmacology, new research in the field of psychotherapies and improved knowledge of relevant psychosocial aspects has not only broadened our knowledge of the aetiology and pathogenesis of depression, but also improved our criteria of diagnosis and classification. This has allowed the development of new therapeutic approaches and new drugs of proven efficacy. These Recommendations are aimed at systematizing and disseminating a consensus on interventions in depression, supported by evidence and the most recent scientific developments, in a way that will optimise therapeutic treatment. Due to some delay in the publication of these Recommendations (through no fault of the working group), and the rapid evolution of knowledge in this area, some of the contents may shortly need to be revised and updated. The writers and publishers of this document are fully aware of this and in accordance.


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How to Cite

Relvas J, Pestana LC, Albuquerque AJ, Paiva FM, Carraça IR, Loureiro MJ, Correia ZA. Depression. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2001 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];14(2):189-218. Available from:



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