Admission to Residence Training in Portugal: Analysis of the National Exam Results between 2006 and 2011


  • Isabel Pavão Martins Laboratório de Estudos de Linguagem. Departamento de Neurociências. Faculdade de Medicina e Instituto de Medicina Molecular. Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa. Portugal.



Introduction: In Portugal, new medical graduates undertake every year the Exame Nacional de Seriação, to be ranked for the available postgraduate residency posts within the National Health Service. Exame Nacional de Seriação is a multiple choice questions test on internal medicine.
Objectives: This study analyses the Exame Nacional de Seriação results between 2006 and 2011, to identify the variables that predict its score.
Material and Methods: Academic (graduating University, final classification) and biographic data (gender, nationality) of 8956 candidates were analyzed and related to the Exame Nacional de Seriação’ score. A linear regression analysis was performed to determine the predictors of that score.
Results: There were significant differences in the proportion of candidates coming from each National Medical School attending the Exame Nacional de Seriação, and minor but significant discrepancies in their classification. The percentage of international medical graduates increased to 15% in the last two years. Candidates’ gender, nationality (Portuguese or other), year of exam, graduating medical school and final graduating classification had a significant relation with ENS score, explaining 39% of Exame Nacional de Seriação’ variance. Final graduating classification was the single most predictive variable, which correlation with Exame Nacional de Seriação’ score varied between .679 and .586 across Portuguese Medical Schools, but was weak among candidates graduated abroad.
Conclusion: Pregraduate training (Final Graduating Classification and Medical School) is related to Exame Nacional de Seriação’ score, particularly among national graduates. This data might be relevant to understand the impact of the changes on Exame Nacional de Seriação about to be implemented.


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Author Biography

Isabel Pavão Martins, Laboratório de Estudos de Linguagem. Departamento de Neurociências. Faculdade de Medicina e Instituto de Medicina Molecular. Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa. Portugal.



How to Cite

Pavão Martins I. Admission to Residence Training in Portugal: Analysis of the National Exam Results between 2006 and 2011. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2013 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 24];26(5):569-77. Available from: