Fractures of the mandibular condyle. Therapeutic controversies.


  • J S Martins Serviço de Cirúrgia Plástica e Reconstrutiva, Hospital Egas Moniz, Lisboa.
  • Z B Frage



The condylar mandibular fractures are important because its incidence, possible complications and controversial treatment. The treatment of condylar fractures has generated more controversy and discussion than any other in the field of maxillofacial trauma. The main goal of treatment is restoration of function and not anatomic restoration of parts. Despite several clinical and anatomical studies still lack consensus regarding the best method of treatment. This review article focus on the controversy that surrounds treatment of the condylar fractures, trying to supply consensus about questions like: Should condylar mandibular fractures be managed via a closed or open technique? What is the best surgical approach? Surgical timing? What is the degree and duration of mandibular immobilization? Is or not necessary to treat the ATM disc?


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How to Cite

Martins JS, Frage ZB. Fractures of the mandibular condyle. Therapeutic controversies. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1999 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];12(4-6):209-15. Available from:



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