Pediatric Crohn's disease complications.


  • P Casella Departamento de Cirurgia, Hospital Dona Estefânia, Lisboa.
  • F Alves
  • J Cabral



This case report describes our experience in treatment of a child with Crohn's disease involvement of ileocecal and sigmoid regions complicated with a severe abdominal wall abscess. A combined therapeutic approach of the acute episode was based on intestinal diversion, abscess drainage, antibiotherapy, nutritional support and post-operative immunosuppression with azathioprine. The definitive treatment of the ileocolonic involvement occurred 6 months after the acute episode and consisted of limited resection, multiple strictureplasties, primar" closure of ileosigmod fistula and undiversion. This operative procedure was followed by a short period of total parenteral nutrition and progressive re-establishment ofenteric nutritional support and immunosuppression. At 18 months follow-up, under low dose azathioprine revealed, a normal growth with a 20 Kg weight gain and 10 cm height gain, no evidence of fistula recurrence or restenosis and suggests the safety of strictureplasty in paediatric patients as a way to conserve as much small bowel as possible.


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How to Cite

Casella P, Alves F, Cabral J. Pediatric Crohn’s disease complications. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1998 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 13];11(7):707-11. Available from:



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