Microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck: experience of 63 free flaps.


  • H Costa Serviço Cirurgia Plástica, Hospital S. João, Porto.
  • I Guimarães
  • C Cunha
  • A Conde
  • M Luz
  • A Pinto
  • C Pinho
  • A Freitas
  • J Rodrígues
  • A Guimarães
  • J Trigo
  • C Rangel
  • C Cruzeiro
  • J E Almeida
  • A C Ferreira
  • D Soutar




The authors present the experience of 63 clinical cases of microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck. These reconstructions were accomplished by different microvascular free flaps which were selected according to the type, size and location of the defects. Fasciocutaneous, osteofasciocutaneous, adipofascial, myo, myocutaneous, myosseous, jejunum and great omentum flaps were applied. The etiology was traumatic in 10 cases, tumoral in 41 cases, congenital in 7 cases, iatrogenic in 3 cases and infectious in 2 cases. The reconstructed anatomical regions were the scalp in 6 cases, the skull base in 1 case, the orbit in 3 cases, the nose in 1 case, the hemiface in 7 cases, the lips in 1 case, the intraoral cavity in 21 cases, the mandible in 8 cases, the intraoral cavity plus mandible in 11 cases and the cervical esophagus in 1 cases. An analysis was made of surgical times, selection and survival rate of the free flaps and the morphofunctional quality of the reconstructions. Considering the good quality of reconstructions, the amelioration of quality of life and the low morbidity in these patients, microvascular free flaps are considered a first choice technique for head and neck reconstruction when the size and location of the defect prevents the use of local flaps.


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How to Cite

Costa H, Guimarães I, Cunha C, Conde A, Luz M, Pinto A, Pinho C, Freitas A, Rodrígues J, Guimarães A, Trigo J, Rangel C, Cruzeiro C, Almeida JE, Ferreira AC, Soutar D. Microsurgical reconstruction of the head and neck: experience of 63 free flaps. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1998 Oct. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];11(10):855-70. Available from: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/2334



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