Inter-hospital transfer in pediatrics.


  • H N De Almeida Unidade de Cuidados Especiais Pediátricos, Serviço de Pediatria, HSM, Lisboa.
  • G Rodrigues
  • M Correia
  • A Carvalho
  • J S Sequeira



We present the results of a prospective study of the technical and human characteristics of the transport of children transferred from other Hospitals to our PICU. During eight months of 1994, 153 children were transferred and 138 included in our study. Their ages varied between one month and fourteen years and the majority (60%) were males. 67% of the patients transferred required Pediatric specialties and 30% required surgical specialties. Accidents were the most common pathology (40%), followed by neurologic, respiratory and infectious situations (15% each) The most frequently used means of transport was an ambulance, in 88% of the cases. Only 12% of these were medically equipped and 10% had CPR material available. In 23% of the transports the patient was accompanied by both a nurse and a medical doctor. In 25% by a nurse only and in 14% by a medical doctor. None of them had training in transport medicine. The length of the transport varied between 30 min. and 14 h, with a mean of 2h. Ten patients had major complications during transfer. Their CCS on arrival at the PICU was > or = 3 in 55% of the cases. Based on these results we discuss the obvious need for a Pediatric Transport System in our country.


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How to Cite

De Almeida HN, Rodrigues G, Correia M, Carvalho A, Sequeira JS. Inter-hospital transfer in pediatrics. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1996 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 14];9(4-6):163-6. Available from:



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