Oculomotor paralysis. The perspective of a neuro-ophthalmology consultation.


  • P Cruz Serviços de Oftalmologia e Neurologia, Hospital de Sto. António dos Capuchos, Lisboa.
  • R Almeida
  • M Gonçalves
  • G Marote
  • J Silva
  • C Cavaleiro
  • V Jacinto




Ocular paresis is a usual diagnosis in neuro-ophthalmologic consultation, and its aetiology is indeed a challenge. The authors studied 3400 records concerning this consultation, between 1982 and the third quarter of 1993. During this period 221 cases with ocular paresis were selected. During this retrospective study we point out the following items: the cranial nerve affected; the neuro-ophthalmologic semiology; the aetiology and clinical evolution, according to the age groups. From 221 cases selected, 111 were paresis from the VIth pair (50.2%), 88 from the IIIrd pair (39.8%), 14 multiple paresis (6.4%) and 8 paresis from the IVth pair (3.6%). The most frequent complaint was diplopia (> 90%). As far as the aetiological diagnosis is concerned, this was easier to establish in patients > 50 years of age. In this age group the most usual aetiology was vascular and traumatic pathologies. In younger patients the most frequent pathologies were traumatic and tumoral. The prognostic was better in the vascular group, the paresis recovery being > 50% in all other pathologies, except the tumoral one.


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How to Cite

Cruz P, Almeida R, Gonçalves M, Marote G, Silva J, Cavaleiro C, Jacinto V. Oculomotor paralysis. The perspective of a neuro-ophthalmology consultation. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1994 May 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];7(5):277-80. Available from: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/2901



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