Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system in a patient with AIDS.


  • J Bau Serviço de Medicina 1. Pavilhão O, Hospital Curry Cabral, Lisboa.
  • R Teotónio
  • M H Pacheco
  • M Mafra
  • F Coutinho



The increasing incidence of primary brain lymphoma appears to be real in immunologically normal people. However, lymphoma of the central nervous system has a much higher incidence in patients with immune deficient status as in renal and cardiac transplants, patients with IgA deficiency, or Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. Thus, the increased predisposition of AIDS patients to brain lymphoma is not surprising, this being the second most frequent cause among cerebral mass lesions in the AIDS population. We report a case of a 36 year old white woman with AIDS and a cerebral mass lesion which we demonstrated to be a primary brain lymphoma.


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How to Cite

Bau J, Teotónio R, Pacheco MH, Mafra M, Coutinho F. Primary lymphoma of the central nervous system in a patient with AIDS. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1993 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];6(8-9):393-6. Available from:



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