Gastric neoplasm associated with IgA deficiency. Importance of multidisciplinary care.


  • I Branco Serviço de Imuno-Hemoterapia, Hospital de Santa Maria, Lisboa.
  • F B da Costa
  • A Rodrigues
  • F R Pires
  • M A Portugal
  • M D Gonçalves



We present the case of 55-year old female patient with a rare malignant disease of the stomach associated with IgA deficiency. For its management the surgical, transfusional and renal support strategy required good coordination of pre, intra and post-operative care, and good articulation among the various sub-specialties. The patient experienced two severe anaphylactoid transfunctional reactions. Congenital IgA deficiency was detected with probable anti-IgA immunization associated with a metacrone adenocarcinoma of the stomach and nephrotic syndrome with renal failure. The transfusion methods utilized are discussed, and the results of the study aimed at detecting a compatible donor, with identical deficit, among family members are presented. In the absence of a national registry of donors with IgA deficiency, the prevention of these potentially dangerous reactions imposes a burden on the Service of Immuno-Hematherapy to take special measures on its own. This case points out the need to implement a blood bank with rare groups and IgA deficient blood, for homo/autologous transfusions.


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How to Cite

Branco I, da Costa FB, Rodrigues A, Pires FR, Portugal MA, Gonçalves MD. Gastric neoplasm associated with IgA deficiency. Importance of multidisciplinary care. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1993 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 8];6(12):587-92. Available from:



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