Chronic disease, the chronic patient and his family. Psychosocial impact of diabetes mellitus.


  • L Rebelo Centro de Saúde de Sete Rios, A.R.S. de Lisboa.



Concerning a revision about the mutual influence between the diabetes, the diabetic and his family, the author reviews the literature about the psychosocial area of the Family Physician content's work. It is also confirmed the high prevalency of the chronic disease and the importance of the family ecosystem, not only as support but also as problem to the bearing person of such type of disease. Studies of chronic disease indicate that family dysfunction is associated with poor health outcomes. The areas which more and better have been studied in this scope are reviewed. Thus, having as backdrop the diabetes management, the family's diabetic influence in general is reviewed, as well as the parental attitudes, the family organization and the family life events. Finally, the health care team role is reviewed and particulary the role of the family physician in the management of this type of patients. It is pointed out, as example of the Family Medicine specific contribution, the improving cooperation with medical treatment from the diabetic.


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How to Cite

Rebelo L. Chronic disease, the chronic patient and his family. Psychosocial impact of diabetes mellitus. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1992 Jul. 31 [cited 2025 Jan. 27];5(7):383-7. Available from:



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