Semiologic considerations and clinical significance of magnetic resonance in 11 intracranial aneurysms.


  • J C Mauricio
  • A Fernandes
  • J Cannas
  • A Goulão
  • E Medina



The author's experience with high-field Magnetic Resonance (Signa, 1.5 T, G.E.) in 11 cases of intracranial aneurysms (6 presenting as space lesion and 5 with symptoms of rupture) is reported. Spin-echo, gradient-echo and GRASS (fast-scan or flip-angle) sequences have been used and results compared with those of CT-scan and angiography. Magnetic Resonance findings, relating to blood flow and oxidation of haemoglobin (within the lumen, in the wall and at the periphery of the aneurysm) were interpreted from the point of diagnosis and surgical planning. The authors concluded that Magnetic Resonance should be considered as a routine investigation for intracranial aneurysms particularly when it is suspected that they might be voluminous and/or thrombosed.


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How to Cite

Mauricio JC, Fernandes A, Cannas J, Goulão A, Medina E. Semiologic considerations and clinical significance of magnetic resonance in 11 intracranial aneurysms. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1989 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 17];2(6):288-96. Available from:



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