Injuries Resulting from Positioning for Surgery: Incidence and Risk Factors


  • Sónia Menezes Serviço de Anestesiologia. Hospital Central do Funchal. Funchal. Portugal.
  • Regina Rodrigues Serviço de Anestesiologia. Hospital Central do Funchal. Funchal. Portugal.
  • Raquel Tranquada Serviço de Anestesiologia. Hospital Central do Funchal. Funchal. Portugal.
  • Sofia Müller Serviço de Anestesiologia. Hospital Central do Funchal. Funchal. Portugal.
  • Karina Gama Serviço de Anestesiologia. Hospital Central do Funchal. Funchal. Portugal.
  • Tânia Manso Serviço de Anestesiologia. Hospital Central do Funchal. Funchal. Portugal.



Introduction: The appropriate surgical positioning is an essential step that is often underestimated, but must be considered, because can lead to serious but preventable injury. The objective of this study is to evaluate the incidence of injury due to surgical positioning, as well as try to identify their risk factors. Materials and Methods: Prospective study held for one year and included patients from different surgical specialties proposed for elective surgery. Patients were evaluated prior to surgery and exclusion criteria were: age < 18 years, American Society of Anesthesiologists - ASA score > III neuropathy or neuromuscular disease documented. Were considered injuries resulting from the positioning: erythema not reversible under digital pressure and/or persistent > 30 minutes, severe pain on pressure points and not related to the surgical site (Visual Analogue Scale - VAS ≥ 7) and peripheral nerve injury. We evaluated the following variables: sex, age, Body Mass Index, ASA classification, anesthetic technique, type of positioning, duration of surgery and its relationship with postoperative injury. Results: Of the 172 patients included in the study, perioperative lesions were identified in 12.2%, but five of these patients had more than one lesion (pain on pressure point + neuropathy). About 9.9% complained of severe pain (Visual Analogue Scale - VAS ≥ 7) on pressure points, 4.7% presented peripheral neuropathy and 0.6% had erythema that did not yield to the digital pressure. In the group that developed lesions, no significant difference with regard to age, sex, anesthetic technique, duration of surgery and positioning was found. Concerning to ASA classification, it was found that ASA II and III patients had a higher incidence of lesion (90.5%) compared with patients ASA I (9.5%), p < 0.05. The Body Mass Index > 30 Kg / m2 showed also statistically significant association with the development of postoperative injury, p < 0.001. In separate analysis of neuropathic injury was found that Body Mass Index > 30 Kg / m2 was associated with the occurrence of neuropathy, p < 0.05. Concerning the remaining variables and their relation with postoperative neuropathy, it wasn’t found a statistically significant relationship. Conclusion: The scientific evidence for prevention of injuries in the perioperative period, including the neuropathy is limited. The postoperative evaluation of patients is essential because it allows early recognition of lesions and its documentation and guidance. Keywords: Intraoperative Complications; Posture; Surgical Procedures, Operative; Wounds and Injuries/etiology.


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How to Cite

Menezes S, Rodrigues R, Tranquada R, Müller S, Gama K, Manso T. Injuries Resulting from Positioning for Surgery: Incidence and Risk Factors. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2013 Apr. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];26(1):12-6. Available from: