Marine Dermatitis Following Exposure to a Portuguese-Man-Of-War


  • Susana Moleiro Serviço de Pediatria. Hospital de Faro. Faro. Portugal.
  • Andreia Pereira Serviço de Pediatria. Hospital de Faro. Faro. Portugal.
  • Maria João Paiva Lopes Serviço: Dermatologia. Hospital Santo António dos Capuchos. Lisboa. Portugal.



During the summer, beach related skin lesions are common reasons for emergency room and dermatology office visits. The authors describe the case of a child with a painful maculopapular rash that resulted after a probable cutaneous exposure to a portuguese-man- of-war. He did not show other signs or symptoms and was discharged home on medications including analgesics, anti-histamines and topical steroids. A week later the skin lesions were completely healed. Even though most cases of marine dermatitis found in Portugal are low-severity, it is important to study the fauna and flora of each region to improve medical care.


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How to Cite

Moleiro S, Pereira A, Paiva Lopes MJ. Marine Dermatitis Following Exposure to a Portuguese-Man-Of-War. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2013 Apr. 24 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];26(1):66-9. Available from: