Smoking and cardiovascular risk factors in Barão do Corvo Health Center.


  • Andrea Lobão Centro de Saúde de Barão do Corvo, Vila Nova de Gaia.
  • Patrícia Marques
  • Cristiana Leite
  • Martinho Almeida
  • Pedro Araújo
  • Vânia Cardoso
  • Maria Elvira Pinto
  • Filomena Vidal



Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death and is associated with an increased risk of various diseases. The 2005-2006 National Health Survey revealed a national prevalence of 19.6% of active smokers. As a cardiovascular risk factor (CVRF), it as an independent role, for sudden death as for myocardial infarction.To assess the prevalence and characteristics of smoking behavior of users using the Barão do Corvo Health Center (BCHC), and its relationship with other CVRF.Observational study, cross-sectional analysis. Collection of data through survey applied to 502 users users CSBC, aged = 18 years. Non-random sample of convenience.In the sample we found 17.9% active smokers and 17.3% ex-smokers. In active smokers, 80% smoked between 1 to 25 cigarettes per day. 48% of respondents started smoking between 15 and 19 years. The abandonment of consumption occurred mainly between 35 and 44 years (24.7%) and was earlier in women (41.7% stopped smoking between 25 and 34 years). As for CVRF, there was a prevalence of smoking in hypertensive patients of 12.9%, 9.4% in diabetic patients, 12.3% of users with hypercholesterolaemia, 13.9% of users who had BMI > or = 25 and 20.5 % in sedentary.Compared with data from the population, the prevalence of active smokers is lower in the BCHC and ex-smokers is higher, the daily consumption of tobacco is also lower. The age of initiation of consumption was similar to national data, and age of abandonment was delayed, which is mostly between 35 and 44 years. The women left the tobacco earlier, and the most prevalent age group here was of 25 to 34 years, leading to think about a possible relationship with motherhood or reproductive age. For other CVRF studied, there was a lower prevalence of smokers in the groups of hypertension, diabetes, users with hypercholesterolaemia and overweight and obese users - this relationship was statistically significant. Is the promotion of healthy lifestyle in these groups taking effect?


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How to Cite

Lobão A, Marques P, Leite C, Almeida M, Araújo P, Cardoso V, Pinto ME, Vidal F. Smoking and cardiovascular risk factors in Barão do Corvo Health Center. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2010 Apr. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];23(2):159-66. Available from:



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