Metastatic calcification detected on bone scintigraphy.


  • Hélder Fernandes Serviço de Medicina Nuclear, Hospital S. João, Porto.
  • José Pedro Patrício
  • Patrícia Oliveira
  • Ana Oliveira
  • Teresa Faria
  • Jorge Pereira
  • Gerardo Oliveira



To show the value of bone scintigraphy in the diagnosis of metastatic calcification in end-stage renal insufficiency.The authors present a fifty-one-year-old male with terminal renal insufficiency of hypertensive renovascular etiology, on hemodialysis for the last 10 years, referred for a bone scan because of osteoarticular complaints, and no other associated symptoms or findings on physical examination.Whole body bone scintigraphy images (HMDP-99mTc, 925MBq), showed increased uptake in the lower half of both lungs, the stomach and renal parenchyma, compatible with metastatic calcification.Bone scintigraphy, due to its high sensitivity, even in the detection of early changes, might be a useful instrument in the initial evaluation and follow-up of patients with high risk of developing metastatic calcification.


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How to Cite

Fernandes H, Patrício JP, Oliveira P, Oliveira A, Faria T, Pereira J, Oliveira G. Metastatic calcification detected on bone scintigraphy. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2010 Jul. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];23(4):731-4. Available from:



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