Multivaried analysis of the interaction between quality of life and physical capacities for people occupationally intoxicated by mercury.


  • F B Del Vecchio Faculdade de Educação Física, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdades Integradas Metropolitanas de Campinas, Campinas, Brasil.
  • J E Corrente
  • A Gonçalves
  • M M Faria
  • C R Padovani
  • R Vilarta



One important aggression to human biology is constituted by metallic mercury intoxication, mainly expressed by neuropsychiatric disorders.To explore interaction between the domains of Quality of Life (QoL.) and neuro-muscular evidences in intoxicated people by the metal within an urban-industrial environment.47 patients have been assessed, through SF36 application and semiological tests. Multiple regression was performed and, to test parameters estimated in adjustments, Student t test was used. Results: Although there are low scores present in the instrument, there have been noticed good results in physical capacities. Muscular strength seems to be an influencing variable on physical and social functioning and mental health (p<0.05). Motor coordination influence on Vitality (p <0.05) was also remarked. As to equilibrium, it presents a negative interaction (p <0.03) with social functioning.Neuropsychiatric disorders influence negatively QoL perception, making people to subestime their motor performances. Complementarily, it is distinguished strength as physical capacity that presents positive interaction with the subjective perception of QV.


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How to Cite

Del Vecchio FB, Corrente JE, Gonçalves A, Faria MM, Padovani CR, Vilarta R. Multivaried analysis of the interaction between quality of life and physical capacities for people occupationally intoxicated by mercury. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2007 Apr. 30 [cited 2025 Jan. 27];20(2):131-7. Available from:



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