Introduction: Scientific evidence regarding children’s understanding of the concept of death is scarce. This has recently been pointed out by th...

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Introduction: Determination of renal function is particularly important when prescribing antibiotics to elderly patients. This study aims to determine...

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Foi com extremo agrado que li o artigo “Estratégia de Saúde Pública para a Pandemia COVID-19 em Portugal: Contribuições da Exp...

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Introduction: Non-motor symptoms are underrecognized features of Parkinson’s disease that impair quality of life and increase mortality. In this...

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Introduction: COVID-19 is a viral respiratory disease, which became a global threat to public health. Specific subsets of the population are more vuln...

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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic is a particularly relevant threat to mentally ill patients, and it constitutes a new challenge for health care pro...

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Com a epidemia de poliomielite, no início da década de 50 do século XX, num contexto de recursos escassos surgiu a evidência de que era poss...

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Foi com extremo agrado que li o artigo “Doença de Coronavírus 2019: Revisão Clínica”,1 publicado na sua estimada revista. Trata...

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The COVID-19 pandemic poses significant health constraints to us both as individuals and as a community. Medical schools deal with that at a student, faculty and socie...

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