Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in the Intensive Care Unit: A Case Report


  • Ana Maia Departament of Psychiatry and Mental Health. Hospital Egas Moniz. Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental. Lisboa. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Lisboa. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre. Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown. Lisboa. b. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campo Mártires da Pátria 130, 1169-056 Lisboa, Portugal c. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre, Champalimaud Centre for the Unkown, Av. Brasilia 1400-038, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Gonçalo Cotovio Departament of Psychiatry and Mental Health. Hospital Egas Moniz. Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental. Lisboa. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Lisboa. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre. Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown. Lisboa. b. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campo Mártires da Pátria 130, 1169-056 Lisboa, Portugal c. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre, Champalimaud Centre for the Unkown, Av. Brasilia 1400-038, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Bernardo Barahona-Corrêa Departament of Psychiatry and Mental Health. Hospital Egas Moniz. Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental. Lisboa. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Lisboa. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre. Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown. Lisboa. b. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campo Mártires da Pátria 130, 1169-056 Lisboa, Portugal c. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre, Champalimaud Centre for the Unkown, Av. Brasilia 1400-038, Lisboa, Portugal
  • Albino J. Oliveira-Maia Departament of Psychiatry and Mental Health. Hospital Egas Moniz. Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Ocidental. Lisboa. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas. Universidade NOVA de Lisboa. Lisboa. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre. Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown. Lisboa. b. NOVA Medical School | Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Campo Mártires da Pátria 130, 1169-056 Lisboa, Portugal c. Champalimaud Research and Clinical Centre, Champalimaud Centre for the Unkown, Av. Brasilia 1400-038, Lisboa, Portugal




Intensive Care Units, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome/diagnosis, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome/therapy


Neuroleptic malignant syndrome is a neurological emergency caused by dysregulation of dopaminergic neurotransmission. While it is typically characterized by muscle rigidity, fever and altered mental status, it may have a heterogeneous and non-specific presentation, leading to delays in diagnosis and treatment. Treatment involves cessation of dopamine-receptor antagonists and supportive measures, but in more severe cases, bromocriptine, dantrolene, benzodiazepines and/or electroconvulsive therapy should be considered. We present the case of a 66-year-old man with severe neuroleptic malignant syndrome, diagnosed due to need for continuous invasive ventilation in an Intensive Care Unit, after successful treatment for respiratory sepsis. The patient recovered after electroconvulsive therapy and administration of bromocriptine. This unusually severe case illustrates the need for a high level of suspicion for neuroleptic malignant syndrome in critically ill patients with malignant catatonic syndromes, allowing for an early diagnosis and potentially lifesaving


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How to Cite

Maia A, Cotovio G, Barahona-Corrêa B, Oliveira-Maia AJ. Diagnosis and Treatment of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome in the Intensive Care Unit: A Case Report. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 2];34(6):464-7. Available from: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/13019



Case Report