Evaluation of the Scientific Production in the Field of General Practice and Family Medicine in Portugal


  • João Pedro da Fonseca Marques Faculdade de Medicina. Universidade de Coimbra. Portugal.
  • Luiz Miguel Santiago Faculdade de Medicina. Universidade de Coimbra. Portugal; Centro de Estudos e Investigação em Saúde. Universidade de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal.
  • Helena Donato Faculdade de Medicina. Universidade de Coimbra. Portugal; Serviço de Documentação e Informação Científica. Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal.




Bibliometrics, Family Practice, Portugal, Publishing/statistics & numerical data


Introduction: The Portuguese publications in the field of General Practice and Family Medicine have not yet been assessed in bibliometric studies. The aim of this study was to analyze that production between 2012 and 2022.
Methods: The Web of Science Core Collection was used to gather the number of articles, journals and citations obtained; the Journal Citation Reports to obtain the Impact Factor and quartile of journals; and Scimago Journal & Country Rank, for the comparison of data with other European countries. The search was based on the following query: “usf OR unidade de Saude Familiar OR centro de Saude OR ACeS OR medicina geral familiar OR Gen Practice Family SAME Portugal”, and a time window between 2012 and 2022 was defined. The study considered the following quantitative indicators: total number of publications, typology, language, affiliation, co-authors, geographical distribution, thematic areas, and the number of publications/inhabitant and publications/physician from European countries; the qualitative indicators selected were the Impact Factor (IF), the quartile and the number of citations.
Results: Between 2012 and 2022, the national scientific production had an average annual growth rate of 36.6%. Of 389 publications, 73.8% were ‘Articles’ and 11.8% were ‘Review Articles’, predominantly in English (88.4%). The fields of ‘General Internal Medicine’ (24.7%) and ‘Public Environmental Health’ (14.9%) had the highest publication rates among the journals. The 389 publications received 5354 citations, for an average of 13.76 citations per article, and the average yearly citation growth was 115%. According to IF, 22.5% of the 222 journals belonged to Q4, 27.5% to Q3, 29.7% to Q2 and 20.3% to Q1, and therefore no significant bias regarding the journals where Portuguese doctors publish was observed.
Conclusion: The bibliometric analysis allowed us to examine the evolution of the scientific production in the field of Portuguese General Practice and Family Medicine by observing an increasing publication trend and with a high potential for publication growth.


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How to Cite

da Fonseca Marques JP, Santiago LM, Donato H. Evaluation of the Scientific Production in the Field of General Practice and Family Medicine in Portugal. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 12 [cited 2025 Mar. 25];37(2):100-9. Available from: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/19750


