What is the Benefit of Salt Reduction on Blood Pressure? Assessment of the Cochrane Review “Effect of longer-term modest salt reduction on blood pressure. He FJ, Li J, Macgregor GA. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Apr 30;4:CD004937.


  • Daniel Caldeira Laboratório de Farmacologia Clínica e Terapêutica. Faculdade Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa. Portugal.
  • António Vaz-Carneiro Centro de Estudos de Medicina Baseada na Evidência. Faculdade Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa. Portugal. Centro Colaborador Português da Rede Cochrane Iberoamericana. Lisboa. Portugal.
  • João Costa Laboratório de Farmacologia Clínica e Terapêutica. Faculdade Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa. Portugal. Centro de Estudos de Medicina Baseada na Evidência. Faculdade Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa. Lisboa. Portugal. Centro Colaborador Português da Rede Cochrane Iberoamericana. Lisboa. Portugal.




In the present article we evaluate and comment the systematic review from Cochrane Collaboration “Effect of longer-term modest salt reduction on blood pressure. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Apr 30;4:CD004937”.
Clinical Question: What is the impact of long-term (≥ 4 weeks) modest salt (sodium chloride) reduction on arterial blood pressure?
Conclusions: This systematic review concluded that a moderate reduction in salt intake (mean reduction -4.4 g per day) resulted in statistically significant decreases in blood pressure (BP) that may be helpful in normotensive (-2.42 mmHg systolic BP; -1.00 mmHg diastolic BP) and hypertensive patients (-5.39 mmHg systolic BP; -2.82 mmHg diastolic BP). There were slight increases in physiological plasma renin activity, aldosterone and norepinephrine, without significant changes in lipid profile.


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How to Cite

Caldeira D, Vaz-Carneiro A, Costa J. What is the Benefit of Salt Reduction on Blood Pressure? Assessment of the Cochrane Review “Effect of longer-term modest salt reduction on blood pressure. He FJ, Li J, Macgregor GA. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Apr 30;4:CD004937. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2013 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];26(5):490-2. Available from: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/4943



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