Two Cases of the Same Family with the Unusual Elevation of CA19-9 Levels


  • Metin Uyanik Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.
  • Erdim Sertoglu Biochemistry Laboratory. Anittepe Dispensary. Ankara Mevki Military Hospital. Ankara. Turkey.
  • Muhittin A. Serdar Department of Medical Biochemistry. School of Medicine. Acibadem University. Istanbul. Turkey.
  • Fevzi N. Aydin Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.
  • Taner Ozgurtas Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.
  • Ismail Kurt Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.



Introduction: Serum carbohydrate associated antigen (CA19-9) is widely used marker in clinical practice and shows small increases in a few benign diseases. Here we report two cases, a mother and her daughter with slightly elevated CA19-9 levels not accompanied by any clinical pathology.
Case Presentation: The mother with elevated CA19-9 level (89.90 U/mL; upper limit of normal range (ULNR) < 37 U/mL) was referred to our department for evaluation. Similar increase was determined in her daughter incidentally. Daughter’s CA19-9 level was 123.92 U/mL. Extensive laboratory data, imaging procedures and clinical evaluations were within the normal ranges except elevated CA19- 9 levels for both. Also, any pathology compatible with the elevated CA19-9 level couldn’t be determined. In order to avoid laboratory errors and interferences, we measured the samples at four different immunoassay platforms twice.
Conclusion: Healthy people can be in excess of the ULNR. Therefore, clinicians need to be aware of these rare situations without missing the malignant disorders.

Keywords: CA-19-9 Antigen; Family; Tumor Markers, Biological.


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Author Biographies

Metin Uyanik, Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.

Erdim Sertoglu, Biochemistry Laboratory. Anittepe Dispensary. Ankara Mevki Military Hospital. Ankara. Turkey.

Muhittin A. Serdar, Department of Medical Biochemistry. School of Medicine. Acibadem University. Istanbul. Turkey.

Fevzi N. Aydin, Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.

Taner Ozgurtas, Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.

Ismail Kurt, Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Gulhane School of Medicine. Ankara. Turkey.




How to Cite

Uyanik M, Sertoglu E, Serdar MA, Aydin FN, Ozgurtas T, Kurt I. Two Cases of the Same Family with the Unusual Elevation of CA19-9 Levels. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];27(5):657-60. Available from: