In the Child’s Best Interest: The Contribution of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry


  • Víitor Ferreira Leite Serviço de Pedopsiquiatria. Hospital Pediátrico. Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal.
  • Carla Araújo Serviço de Pedopsiquiatria. Hospital Pediátrico. Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal.
  • Teresa Cartaxo Serviço de Pedopsiquiatria. Hospital Pediátrico. Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal.
  • Luísa Veiga Serviço de Pedopsiquiatria. Hospital Pediátrico. Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal.
  • Mário Jorge Loureiro Serviço de Pedopsiquiatria. Hospital Pediátrico. Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. University Hospital Waterford. Waterford. Ireland.



Child Advocacy, Child Psychiatry, Expert Testimony, Forensic Psychiatry, Portugal


Introduction: Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry involves a multidisciplinary assessment at the courts’ requested to assist them in the process of justice delivery.
Material and Methods: Retrospective study which included 233 forensic requests to two child and adolescent psychiatrists from Coimbra’s HP-CHUC Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Department between 1998 and 2012.
Results: Biographic, psychopathology, social and family aspects were analyzed. The response time throughout the process, the origin and nature of the request’s and the type of process which originated the request were also assessed. The authors identified the involved professionals and whether they needed to go to court. When there were questions, they evaluated the capacity to answer them, the forensic difficulties and solutions found, and the presence of recommendations.
Discussion: The obtained results met the clinical experience and literature regarding demography and psychopathology. As for the difficulties, there were a number of aspects which could be improved by both parts, aiming to ameliorate the articulation between Health and Justice.
Conclusion: With this study it was possible to reflect on the authors forensic practice, in order to develop a closer partnership with the courts to promote the real ‘best interests’ of children/adolescents and their families.


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Author Biography

Víitor Ferreira Leite, Serviço de Pedopsiquiatria. Hospital Pediátrico. Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra. Coimbra. Portugal.

Mestrado Integrado em Medicina - Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto

Escola Paulista de Medicina - Universidade Federal de São Paulo

Ano Comum - Centro Hospitalar Tâmega e Sousa

Internato Formação Específica em Psiquiatria da Infância e da Adolescência - CHUC

Psicoterapia Cognitiva e Comportamental

Associação Portuguesa de Terapia Familiar



How to Cite

Leite VF, Araújo C, Cartaxo T, Veiga L, Loureiro MJ. In the Child’s Best Interest: The Contribution of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 2017 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];30(10):675-82. Available from:


