Early gastric cancer. Review of 42 cases.


  • Paula Alexandrino Departament of Pathology and Medicine 2 and Center of Gastroenterology (I. N. I. C.) Hospital of Santa Maria. Lisboa. Portugal.
  • Amélia S. Baptista Departament of Pathology and Medicine 2 and Center of Gastroenterology (I. N. I. C.) Hospital of Santa Maria. Lisboa. Portugal.
  • J. Pinto Correia




Between 1974 and 1977, 42 cases of Early Gastric Cancer (E. G. C.) were diagnosed among 572 gastric cancers, all operated on. General incidence 7.3 %. The morphological types were as follow: 2.4 % of type 1, 2.4 % of type II a, 21.4% of type II b, 23.8 % of type II c, 30 % of type III. Three cases were multicentric. The diagnosis of malignancy previous to surgery was done in 83 %: in 28 % by endoscopy; in 36 % by biopsy and in 19% by convencional radiology. More than 50% have had dyspepsia for more than 5 years. Upper G. I. bleeding was found in 31.6%.


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How to Cite

Alexandrino P, Baptista AS, Correia JP. Early gastric cancer. Review of 42 cases. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 1980 Feb. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 21];2(1):3-11. Available from: https://actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/4164



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