Crise hipercalcémica secundária a hiperparatiroidismo primário durante a gravidez.


  • Miguel R Branco Unidade de Diagnóstico Pré-Natal/Medicina Fetal, Maternidade Bissaya Barreto, Centro Hospitalar de Coimbra, Coimbra.
  • Carla T Rodrigues
  • António Campos
  • Ana Figueiredo
  • João Coucelo
  • Carlos Magalhães
  • Isabel S Silva
  • Adelaide Taborda
  • Maria Céu Almeida



Primary hyperparathyroidism is a rare occurrence in pregnancy with significant risks to the mother and the foetus, witch is related to the level of serum calcium. A 41-year-old women, gravida 2, para 1, presented at 22 weeks gestation with nausea, vomiting and mild cognitive dysfunction associated with hypercalcemic crisis. The hypercalcemia was observed to be related to parathyroid hyperplasia that was surgically removed. Complete resolution of her symptomatology and hypercalcemia occurred postoperatively. The pregnancy was complicated with transient hypertension. A small for gestational age healthy male infant was delivered at term with no neonatal complications related with this pathology.


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Como Citar

Branco MR, Rodrigues CT, Campos A, Figueiredo A, Coucelo J, Magalhães C, Silva IS, Taborda A, Almeida MC. Crise hipercalcémica secundária a hiperparatiroidismo primário durante a gravidez. Acta Med Port [Internet]. 31 de Outubro de 2005 [citado 19 de Maio de 2024];18(5):395-8. Disponível em:



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