Risco de infecção por VIH/SIDA. Utilização-acesso aos Serviços de Saúde numa comunidade migrante.
The recent trend concerning HIV/AIDS infection in Portugal has been worsening, with a total of 18995 cases of infection notified by the end of 2001. African immigrants are generally regarded as a particularly vulnerable group to this problem. Data on health service utilisation also indicates that they are under -- represented among service users, particularly for Sexual and Reproductive Health. The main objectives of this study were to characterise the resident population, to identify and understand knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding HIV/AIDS problems, and obstacles to service utilisation. The study was conducted among individuals aged fifteen years and above, living in a migrant community in the Greater Lisbon area. Data has been collected through community surveys and collective interviews. Results suggest that existing beliefs, attitudes and knowledge may, though indirectly, increase the risk for infection among the residents of the study area. Some of the factors that may act as deterrents to service utilisation are identified. The results of the study stress the need for government health policies and activities from other agencies focusing on improved access to health services for ethnic minorities, as well as intervention programs tailored specifically towards the needs of each community.Downloads
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