Parotidectomia através de incisão periauricular.
Blair or modified Blair approaches that combine periauricular and cervical incisions are used in almost all parotid surgeries. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of treatment of parotid surgical diseases using only periauricular incision.36 consecutive patients with parotid tumors were reviewed. Pleomorphic adenoma (17 cases) was the most common pathologic type followed by other benign tumors (9 cases), carcinoma (5 cases), parotid cyst (3 cases) and chronic parotiditis (2 cases). All parotidectomies were performed through a periauricular incision. In presence of carcinoma, upper cervical lymphadenectomy was conducted through a transverse cervical incision. The wounds were closed with subcutaneous synthesis without skin suture.The parotid tumors were removed in all cases without complementary skin approach. The incisions had good esthetic result and almost imperceptible scars were verified after six months. The patients were very satisfied with the appearance of the operative scar. All patients complained hypostesia of the operative area during a period not longer than six months. Temporary postoperative facial weakness occurred after 28 operations and was permanent in three of patients operated upon for carcinoma. Transitory ear discomfort occurred in 22 patients. Two cases of local infection were recorded. All of these complications have been described previously by other authors using other incisions and are mostly due to removal of the gland.The results of the present study indicate that periauricular incision is a good and highly esthetic option for surgical approach of the parotid.Downloads
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